

All images and text on this website are copyrighted by Radek Tezaur. I will be happy to work with you when it comes to usage fees, or waiving thereof. A long time ago when I first started creating these pages, I wrote this statement for the main page:

'There has come a time when I asked myself why I am creating these pages. I have thought long and hard and came to a conclusion it is mostly vanity. Nevertheless, if you find here some useful information, photographic or travel inspiration, the pages will have also served another purpose. I will have shared with you a bit of my passion for places and things I photograph.'

It is now 10 years later, and despite the sparsity of my updates for a time, nothing has really changed. I still have the same drive and curiosity to explore and go see. I hope you can take some inspiration from my pages - like me, you do not need to be a first-class mountaineer, or an experienced globetrotter to enjoy mountains and travel in general. After all, it is not always about being first, but rather about learning from and enjoying the experience, or just creating a first for yourself.

Here are a few more facts about me - I come from the Czech Republic, have a PhD in applied math, spent a lot of great time in Colorado, studying, working, and playing volleyball. Since 2004, I work at Stanford University. I use Canon cameras to shoot my pictures, and a Nikon scanner to scan my film. If you want to know more, let me know by email. I am always happy to share my experiences with others, and there is quite a bit left out from my pages for the lack of time or resolve. I have two great kids, Philip and Matthew, and a beautiful fiancee. I am a lucky guy.

This is me. This my family in my element. This is my shadow.

Last updated: January 31, 2012
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